Southern Lakes community-based salmon planning (2020)
A sociological, cultural, and scientific conversation between three Yukon First Nations regarding management of a precious resource, the Yukon River Chinook Salmon.
A project led by Dennis Zimmermann.
Project format: outdoor, in-person graphic recording. Large paper sheets setup on easel as no large walls were available.
First European Symposium of Social Science and Humanities Journals
January-March 2022
The First European Symposium of Social Science and Humanities Journals aimed at creating a new forum for journals to meet and address together shared issues and contemporary debates around scientific publishing, ethics and practices.
From the 21 February to 21 March 2022, Stage 2 of the Symposium consisted in a series of five online roundtables. Each roundtable focused on one of the topics addressed in the conferences of Stage 1, and brought together five different journals from various backgrounds, with a particular perspective on the issue under consideration. The roundtables were held via video conference to make them accessible to all interested individuals and journals, regardless of their discipline, status or nationality.
Project format: digital live graphic recording on Ipad and a final synthesis (see below)